Ditch Day

Ditch Day

It has finally arrived! One fateful day, we were awoken from our slumbers at the ripe time of ten to eight (that is, 7:50) in the morning. The members of Blacker House arrived in the courtyard to find Big Glossy Posters with the stack themes. In Blacker, there is a tradition for seniors to hold chained announcements the night before showing off their stack’s theme. This year, there was everything from Ready Player One to The Hobbit, even Space (the stack).

Signing up for stacks is certainly the most hectic time. Everyone in the courtyard is gathered around the North wall. This means about 80 underclassmen (and a few seniors) as well as 20 alums that have come back for the purpose of helping the seniors put on their tour de force. Needless to say, it’s very crowded but so exciting to see the first glimpse into the action-packed day ahead.

As for the day itself, I don’t want to give too much away. Every stack is very different. They are themed after all! Let’s just say, there are a lot of different types of stacks, from completely puzzle based, to full of action, and the whole spectrum in between. There are also some stacks that go off campus for some of their elements. It’s certainly an exciting and exhausting day, and afterwards, the stackers, the stackees, and the helpful alums have dinner together to end the day on a great high.

As for the stack I went on… I’ll let you guess. I will tell you that it was based off of a TV series that has already finished airing. Look at the photo, and see if you know what it is!