Ditch Day....

Ditch Day.... "is not just for students"

A few weeks ago, Andrew and I came up with the genius idea to prank the admissions office by planning them a fake ditch day. We have been busy working on our stack, and thought it would be nice to include the admissions staff in the ditch day fun.

The admissions staff knows a lot about ditch day (and that it is just around the corner!) since they use it to describe the uniqueness of student life at Caltech—but to the best of my knowledge, they have never been exposed to completing a stack and being ambushed by seniors. —Andrew and I decided to change that…

We took a few days to orchestrate the perfect theme, activities and clues…and alerted Caltech Online Communications so we could have some PR coverage of the office getting pranked by two of its favorite undergrads :) The story was covered on the Caltech Today website by an article entitled ‘A Stack of One’s Own’ – check it out! Here are a few pictures taken from my camera and also taken by Jenny from online communications…

The unsuspecting admissions office…we ditch day-d them at around 1pm right after their lunch Setting up the clues and tasks around the perimeter of the house…we had to be sneaky and unsuspecting

Hanging some stuff in a tree…

Planting a clue…

“WAKE UP ADMISSIONS OFFICE! IT’S DITCH DAY!!!!” —cue the banging on pots and pans

The admissions staff were very surprised to say the least…

We watched from afar…

We waited patiently in the kitchen where we had their bribe waiting for them: donuts!

We had so much fun putting together this stack for the admissions office…we really felt like they enjoyed and had a great time :) Being so close with all the admissions staff…it was so nice to have surprised them.