Dine with the firefighters next door

Dine with the firefighters next door

It’s somewhat of an annual tradition to have a special Chandler dinner for Cinco de Mayo at Caltech. This year, it was a triple threat, with Guardians of the Galaxy decorations and special guests: firefighters!

The Guardians of Galaxy theme was perfectly coordinated with the ASCIT funded movie night at the Alhambra theatre that night. Caltech students are greeted at the cinema at the specified showtime with free tickets and popcorn.

Who else better to invite to this dinner than our very own superheroes across the street? The fire department is only about a block from the Center for Student Services (CSS). For this dinner, they set up an information booth and even brought a fire truck! The firemen and firewomen were really friendly and we got to talk to a few of them over dinner!

The food, of course, was amazing.There were freshly made tortillas prepared in a set up complete with a wooden tortilla press.

I really think that of the Chandler special dinners, the Cinco de Mayo has the most delicious food. This year there was juicy shrimp ceviche, warm gooey empanadas (both savory and sweet ones) as well as refreshing Mexican beverages.