Determined to Dance

Determined to Dance

The dance show is coming up, and the different groups I dance with have been amping up the rehearsal time. Rehearsal times have nearly doubled—but it makes me so HAPPY! :D…more time to dance during the week! Last night, my fellow Techer ballerinas and I showed up at the Braun gym to run our piece. Unfortunately, the dance room was taken up by ballroom dancers (scheduling conflict?)….O_O We quickly resorted to moving our rehearsal space into a racquetball court. This usually doesn’t happen..but I guess with the dance show quickly approaching…everyone is itching to get their pieces perfected. Nevertheless, we rehearsed our piece sans music and mirrors (It’s probably better to not have mirrors since we need to get used to them not being there for the actual performance). The floor was almost the same as what we are used to…so it was a good alternative.

After the men’s basketball game ended and the crowd cleared out, we migrated into the basketball court. Thank goodness for more space (was feeling claustrophobic in the tiny racquetball court) and outlets so we could rehearse with music.

LOL–there were basketball pick-up games sharing our rehearsal space, and people running on treadmills upstairs could watch us….we could always use an audience I guess :P