Denim Day and the PFW Club Fair

Denim Day and the PFW Club Fair

I hope you all enjoyed Prefrosh Weekend! We love having prefrosh on campus for PFW. One of the highlights for me is always the activities fair, where we get to meet prefrosh who might join our clubs and teamsnext year. This was the Feminist Club’s table:

It was a little bittersweet for me, as the outgoing president of the Feminist Club, because I met a ton of amazing, engaged prefrosh who are excited and interested in activism and discussion on campus, but I won’t be here next Fall to hang out with them. That was the bitter part, the sweet part is that I became extremely proud of my Excomm (executive committee) from this year, because we turned a flagging club into a very active one that lots of prefrosh want to join. I’m really glad that this resource will be here for them next year! And I’m very excited to see what next year’s Excomm will do.

The week after PFW, we celebrated Denim Day. Denim Day (April 26th) is recognized worldwide as a day to raise awareness about sexual violence and support its victims. About 18 years ago, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that a rapist could go free, because his victim had been wearing tight jeans and must have had help removing them (and if his victim had helped remove her own jeans, she must have consented to the sex that followed). Every year, we wear denim on Denim Day to remind those around us that sexual violence happens everywhere (even on relatively safe college campuses), that victims should be believed, and that victims have our support. See this site for more info.

The Feminist Club put out a table in front of Chandler Dining Hall on April 26th toremind our campus about Denim Day and to answer any questions the community had about the event. One of the Title IX representatives in Page House, Maria (who is also a UCC, this womanis amazing and does everything) put together a beautiful display inviting Caltech community members to indicate if they knew someone who has been a victim of sexual violence. The visual display is now in the Caltech Center for Diversity, reminding our community that sexual violence is real, that it happens to people we know, and that we should always be there for our friends.