I think I am starting to sound like Mad-Eye Moody from Harry Potter…After being on all my interviews (save one, which I have in a couple of weeks), I am now in the waiting phase. February is the “magic month” for many schools, when they tell you of your fate. I am officially waiting on 7 schools to get back to me, ranging from anytime between now and March 15th. This is nothing like college admissions, when at least they tell you when they’ll let you know! And you know how the info is coming, too - e-mail or snail mail. At this stage of the game, I may get a phone call, I might receive an e-mail, or even could open up some old-fashioned snail mail.

The thing is since I don’t know, I’m always waiting by the phone and obsessively checking my e-mail and mailbox. So that means in addition to the stress associated with midterms week (I have two midterms, both of which will be a pretty big challenge), I have the basal stress of waiting for decisions. Fortunately, I have some amazing friends here at Caltech! They make things so much better, and can take my mind off of whatever is getting me anxious at the moment. I’m so grateful for them every day!

Well, I guess back to waiting. I’ll keep you posted!