

Hey fam, Sunday morning, Henry and Kelsi knocked on my door to pick me up for brunch. As I stumbled out of bed, I’m told that all they heard was a huge crash from the other side of the door. Yes, I fell out of my bed. And got a concussion. Yup.

The ridiculous part is that fact that I didn’t even consider that I was possibly injured until around 3 pm that day. Still went to brunch. Very much enjoyed my pancakes, and then realized I had watched the same khan academy video three times. So after 5 hours in the ER and a CT scan, the verdict was a mild concussion.

Nonetheless, I’m out of classes for at least a week, since my brain still struggles to retain a lot of information, especially Caltech-level information. But, on the bright side, I’ve been introduced to quite a few concussion-friendly activities, like friendship bracelets. I have made so many friendship bracelets. So many. Like I have to make more friends to give these bracelets to.

Anyway, here’s a fun polaroid of me having a great time at the ER :)

Cheers, Sakthi Vetrivel