Coffee Shops of Seattle Part 2

Coffee Shops of Seattle Part 2

Part 2! Here we have 5 more coffee shops located in Seattle.

Cascade Coffee WorksLocation: South Lake Union. This place is really cute and aesthetically pleasing, but I honestly didn’t like this one. This coffee shop is probably the only one I didn’t like in Seattle, but maybe it was just because the drink I got wasn’t good. I got a cassava latte, since I’d never had that before. I’m not sure if this is related, but it gave me headache and I had bad headaches for the following few days/weeks :(

Herkimer CoffeeThis place has a few outlets around Seattle, but I went to the one in South Lake Union. The coffee shop is fairly small and has two floors. I got a drip coffee here, and I thought it was pretty good! I was considering buying some of their beans, but I ended up deciding against it since I don’t actually own a coffee bean grinder or a V60 or anything.

Fremont CoffeeLocation: Fremont. This place also has really cute latte art – I got a cat! I was studying here for a bit, and I think it’s a pretty nice place to hang out. The layout might be a bit weird since it was converted from an old house, but I don’t think it’s too off-putting. I did notice that the people before me didn’t get special latte art (just the standard rosettas), but maybe the barista could sense I was here for the latte art :P I’m super happy I got a cute drink though!

Overall, I’d say my favorite coffee drink in the Seattle area was the lavender mocha from Zoka Coffee Roasters (from Part 1 of this post!). I would definitely recommend going to Moore Coffee Shop for the waffles, and Moore and Fremont Coffee for the latte art. Kakao is also great for mochas, and I really enjoyed going to Cafe An’Clair for their bulgogi sandwich and the orchid breve. Herkimer also has great drip coffee. One place I wanted to check out, but didn’t have the chance to, was Slate Coffee Roasters. I’ll just have to wait till next time!