Cocktail Party and Midterm Grades

Cocktail Party and Midterm Grades

Every year, Page house hosts a formal event for ourselves called Cocktail Party. The past few years it’s been held in the courtyard of Beckman laboratory, with a live jazz band, a photo booth, and a bar. We name the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks after current Pageboys, and have them themed to inside jokes from the year. It’s a great excuse to dress up and dance!

This year, the licensed bartender that our Vice President hired for the event never showed up, so the bar was never opened. We played trivia, poker, and a few other games instead, and danced plenty.

I’ve also started getting midterm grades back for a few of my classes. Yes, they come long after midterms, and some of your professors never submit them (even though they are supposedly required). My grade in CS 38 is horrible, but it looks like I’ll still pass. If it sounds like I’ve lowered my expectations from when I was in high school, you’re right, if only for this particular class. Anyway, my entire study group got similar grades back after the midterm, and we spent a night working on the most recent problem set and commiserating. I do mean anight, we left the library at 4am. I actually took a break from 11pm-1am to bake some cupcakes, because sometimes, when you’re looking at your midterm grades, all you can do is sit back, eat some frosting, and joke about not needing to go to graduate school.