Chocolate Seahorses, Chocolate Unicorns

Chocolate Seahorses, Chocolate Unicorns

Belgium chocolate</h3>

Sea horses in the break room</h3>

Slightly melted bliss</h3>
From Somebody brought in a box of slightly melted and resolidified chocolates (BELGIAN chocolates) for the coffee room in lab today. I usually leave sweets for the evenings, but I feared they would be long gone by the afternoon. I am a chocolate enthusiast. I like chocolate milk, chocolate bars, and chocolate unicorns.
From I don't actually own this mini Squishable, or any Squishables for that matter, but I think they are excellent and I am strongly pro-chocolate and pro-unicorn. Last night I also had really good chocolate at Avanti's, a restaurant near Caltech. Their desserts are fabulous, as is there pasta, their pizza, their calzones, and their bread rolls. I've never disliked anything I've ordered there. I ordered their spaghetti marinara this time. It was one of my favorite dishes when I was a kid and I would order it every time it was on a menu, and often when it wasn't. It turns out chefs and waiters don't mind too much when a kid gets really excited about pasta and sauce. Peanut butter sandwiches make fabulous packed lunches. It was true when I was 10. It's true when I'm 20.