Chilly Mango and Laser Cutting Funsies

Chilly Mango and Laser Cutting Funsies

Today, we went to a Thai restuarnt off of Colorado called Chilly Mango. The place is a little far for walking, but it’s closer than going to Old Pasadena. Chilly Mango is clean and has cheap, simple, yet good food. And the portion sizes are very filling!

They also have the cutest napkins. :)

I ordered a Pad See Ewe. I have no idea how to pronounce that, but it was pretty good! It is a flat, stir-fry noodle with vegtables in a sweet, soy sauce based sauce. I got it with chicken, but you can get it with some other type of meat as well. I liked this dish because the sauce isn’t too sweet or heavy, and it made the chicken taste not dry.

I’ve also heard that the Roasted Duck Curry is really good too.

Tonight we also had some fun with laser cut acrylics! At Caltech, we have a laser cutter that students can pay to use. It’s pretty cheap and fast (once you get the hang of it), and it’s becoming more popular for seniors to laser cut things for their ditch day stacks.

My friend was working on his research project with the laser cutter, and he had some left over acrylic scraps. He offered to laser cut a design or words into the acrylic for me. We added some mint nail polish on top, such that the edges of the laser cut would pop out more.I think it turned out awesome!