Chihuly Garden and Glass

Chihuly Garden and Glass

Two weeks ago, I went to the Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum. It’s located right next to the Space Needle! I didn’t go up to the top of the Space Needle though, since everyone I’ve talked to says it’s not worth going up.

The glass museum features the artwork of Dale Chihuly, who made these glass pieces until he lost sight in one eye in a car accident and dislocated his shoulder in another accident. Now, he runs a studio where he directs other artists to create the pieces he envisions.

The tickets for the museum were $19 – originally they’re $29, but after 6:30pm, there’s a discount :)

The artwork in the museum was absolutely amazing! The museum is constructed as a series of rooms featuring different pieces in each room. There were both large scale and smaller pieces, but most of the pieces were very large. For example, the sculpture in the photo below is probably 4-5 times my height, and it stretches from floor to ceiling! In contrast, the turtles in the next photo were about the size of my hand.

In this room, the whole ceiling was covered in glass pieces, with light shining through them from above.

There were also chandeliers of different colors, boats full of glass spheres, and flower-like glass sculptures.

Lastly, the garden has glass pieces interspersed among the plants. The combination of plants and glass was really quite beautiful. I’d highly recommend going to this museum :) It’s definitely worth it!