Celebrating the Holidays at Tech

Celebrating the Holidays at Tech

Hi Everyone! I am really enjoying my well-deserved break after term ended….San Diego is absolutely GORGEOUS during the wintertime (as always!). There is definitely no snow, but there is a change in the winds and it gets a bit chilly at night. This past week and weekend, I’ve been just hanging out with the family, doing some shopping, and enjoying all the downtime.

I wanted to take this post to reminisce about the past holiday seasons I’ve spent with my friends at Tech right before we go off to break. Andrew threw this small celebration our Sophomore year… a Christmas party with a secret Santa gift exchange and lots of holiday treats!! That was so much fun…and really got me in the holiday spirit!

Anyway…I hope you all are enjoying your holiday season with your families and staying warm no matter what part of the country you’re in. And Andrew….(all the way in NJ) I miss you best friend! Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas with your family!