Birthday Affairs and the Getty

Birthday Affairs and the Getty

This past weekend, we went out with a bunch of friends to celebrate a friend’s birthday! We first grabbed a brunch at a really cool cafe and then went to the Getty Center. Let me tell you the story in slightly more detail and then gush about my single favorite place in LA.

We got up at around 10AM to catch an Uber out to downtown-ish LA for the cafe. It seemed like a formidable wait at first, but we waited around for a bit and pretty soon got a table. Fancy desserts and drinks notwithstanding, good food was eaten as well, and we certainly enjoyed our rare venture beyond Pasadena city borders.

Later that night, it was the College Night at the Getty! ( I was extremely excited to go, because the Getty literally haseverything: seaside view, cityscape, pretty buildings, gardens, artwork… As always, it did not fail to disappoint.

The event itself was pretty chill: we had free food, and then there were a few activities and exhibitions. The best part of the exhibition was a collection Louis IXV tapestries, of which I’ve no pictures unfortunately. But the view was great, the live entertainment was great and overall I really appreciated the experience. Let my pictures speak for themselves!