Caltech On Ice

Caltech On Ice

Whew, this weekend was busy! Work-wise as well as event-wise. Seeing the other side of Prefrosh Weekend was certainly interesting. When we heard that there were too many lady prefroshlings attending to be fit into all the girls’ rooms on campus, my roommate and I said to each other, “Eh, why not?” and volunteered to take on not one, not two, but THREE prefrosh!!! I guess they aren’t kidding when they throw this meme around: Dearest prefrosh readers, I hope you had a wonderful time and definitely come and visit again! Wherever you’ve decided to go next year, I’m proud of you :) .

Dearest non-prefrosh readers, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out Jenny’s blog post here. This article is a pretty fun summary of what PFW’s all about as well and details very nicely some of the shenanigans that we Techers love to get into during PFW.

On Saturday night, the house was calm again once more. Just kidding, what’s calm at Caltech? We had an alley event!!! Background: Lloyd house has seven alleys. Four upstairs and three downstairs. An Alley is comprised of five or six rooms, each with two people each, and is named after the murals in that alley’s respective hallway.

Now, back to the story. On Saturday, Tropic and Valhalla organized a trip to the local ice rink for an ice skating trip! This was organized by the Upper Classmen Counselors (UCC) of the two respective alleys. All in all, we had ten people that went. The Pasadena Ice Skating Center is located really close to campus! A nice walk down Green Street takes you right to it - situated nicely next to the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. Alleys in every house are allotted fund by their house to subsidize alley events, which is a logical explanation as to why there’s ALWAYS something happening in the houses or around campus.

It was the first time for one guy in our group, but since he was already a pretty fantastic skier, it was amazing how fast he picked it up! We all took a few falls and I definitely had at least two gnarly wipeouts, but it was great to bond with my alleymates and chill with a bunch of friends. About halfway through, I started skate-stalking around and behind people to try and take pictures – therefore, please excuse the awkward angles and obscene amount of blurriness. All in all, another great night.

Check these pics.

Until next time, Stay cool.
