Caltech Dance Show

Caltech Dance Show

Although the Caltech Dance Show is put on every year, this is the first year I went (1 of 2, not too bad I guess). A few moles gathered together to walk over and get tickets to watch the show; it was split into 2 parts, with an intermission in between. There were quite a few groups and dances - a lot of cool hip hop, but also more specialized dances such as ballet, a Chinese fan dance, and a few different types of Indian dances.

Although I’ve seen a lot of ballet in Chicago, I haven’t seen much hip-hop, and especially none of the ethnic dances. It was really interesting and eye-opening to be able to experience the dances. I still think that hip-hop was probably the coolest, but that’s also my American perspective talking. There were a lot of different musics that people chose to dance to as well: Chinese, Japanese, Indian (I don’t know the specific types) as well as old and new pop songs. The costumes for the show were also well done, as all of the groups had their own coordinated clothes to perform in. There was an impressive amount of variation in the hip-hop clothes, considering they all danced in the same style.