Building Bookcases out of Boredom

Building Bookcases out of Boredom

Let me start by saying I have nothing to complain about. Last term (senior year, winter term), I took 6 amazing classes, did research I loved, and planned for my Galapagos trip over spring break! And yet, when I returned home for a week between term and the Galapagos trip, I found myself.. bored. My siblings are in school from 7 am - 3 pm and my parents work for most of the day. To combat this boredom, I decided to complete a project I’d started over winter break.

My parents are remodeling our house right now, so my siblings and I have the option to revamp our rooms as well. I’m a fan of my light green walls, comfy bed, and plethora of books, but I realized my room was missing an essential piece of furniture: a bookcase. Most of my books are generally piled up in the corner or scattered around the home office and library, making finding the perfect leisure reading or necessary textbook almost impossible. So, in December, I drew up a sketch of my ideal bookcase-desk unit, an asymmetric, quirky design:

(Sorry for the horrendous photo quality).

Much to my surprise, my father and our handy carpenter had already built the base of my bookcase by the time spring break rolled around. Armed with a bucket of white paint, I finished off the bookcase and promptly began filling it with my favorite books and my not-so-favorite class textbooks. Here’s what the finished bookcase looks like:

And here’s one of the fiction shelves:

My bookcase project allowed me to pass the time while my family was off doing important things last week,and I actually got some time to relax and bum around after an intense term. But, I’m pretty ecstatic to report that I’m actually writing this blog post from Quito, Ecuador and am about to board the flight to Baltra Island!

Since I won’t have internet for the next 9 days, I’ll be updating Galapagos travel blogposts after the trip.

Until then,
