Bubble Soccer Alley Event!

Bubble Soccer Alley Event!

Page house alley event number 199835892: bubble soccer! One of our UCCs, Chi Chi, rented a set of “bubbles” for 24 hours, and we went HAM on them. We only spent about an hour playing soccer with them, and spent the rest of the time fooling around.

And they were so much fun to play with. We obviously started with running into each other and trying to knock each other over. Momentum was really hard to keep track of, and small people kept sending bigger people flying across the field. Let me know in the comments if you know why that could be ;) We got a lot of time to fool around with the bubbles, then got down to a game. we got about 25 people to come out and had a class vs. class tournament. I think the seniors won.

I took my alley event (about 5 people came with me) to see Mad Max: Fury Road on Thursday night. I loved the movie, and it was fully subsidized by my house and Caltech Housing! Alley events are such a good way to get out of the bubble or even just take a quick weekend break.