Brace yourself... midterms... have passed?

Brace yourself... midterms... have passed?

Hey there boys and girls. It’s been so long since my last blog! Sorry to have kept you waiting. Just kidding… mostly.

So the reason I haven’t had a post in so long is because I have had a lot of things going on over the last few weeks. There have been a lot of things going on from Prefrosh weekend (a big shout out to my prefrosh Michael Klionsky! and to Matt S who was one of the first people to volunteer to guest blog!) to getting our new debate club off the ground and then to gearing up for midterms, among other things.

This will probably be a short post as I just want to put up some updates to catch you guys up to speed.

I’ve finally declared my major, Applied and Computational Mathematics! I totally missed the deadline though, which was on a Friday so the following Monday morning I woke up to an email from the registrar asking if I wanted to be a frosh forever… after which I promptly replied with my declaration form.

Muneeb, our friend Atharv and I decided to take one for the incoming freshman and move offcampus to free up some space in the house. We’re moving into Page off campus alley (OCA) called the Holly. Due to some complications with housing, last year Page wasn’t able to keep its OCA for that year so we’re the first Pageboy residents since we’ve reclaimed it. It looks like it’s going to be a good year living there with 4 good frinds. Also I’m rooming with Muneeb again… #Roomiesforlife haha.

So here’s a couple pictures!

I was running through the neighborhood south of Caltech (I think it’s San Marino) and I saw this Speed Limit sign. I call it “Freedom at 25 mph”

And here’s your campus picture!


Talk to you guys again soon.
