Blood Moon

Blood Moon

This past Tuesday I watched the lunar eclipse! A bunch of us sat in the Fleming Hovse courtyard watching the Moon. The house provided snacks and we sat on our artificial turf. I imagine the atmosphere would be similar to an outdoor movie, though I have never actually been.

Turns out, when you try and take photos of the Moon with your iPhone camera, everything comes out as a generic white blob with black background. There was a lot of ambient light too, but like Techers we figured out a way to capture the lunar eclipse! My friend had a pair of binoculars, and with a collaborative effort of three people we aligned the camera with the binoculars that were focused at the Moon; it actually took a lot of not laughing to hold stuff still so I wanted to show you too!

For a couple minutes, we had someone convinced that they were actually looking at Mars, and that’s why it was red. And then that the Moon was being eclipsed by Mars and therefore also red. A much better prank (if you even consider this one) was for the prefrosh weekend equivalent at MIT last weekend; Caltech students handed out this mug that when cool says MIT on it then when heated turns into a Caltech mug, ‘The HOTTER Institute of Technology’. You can read more about it in this article. Also, if you’re interested in buying one like I am, here’s the link for that too.