
Summer in Tokyo Part 8

The final trip I took in Japan was to Kyoto with my aunt and uncle. We decided to pay for a tour bus (which normally is not my thing) since we only had one full day to explore the city. It was really hot in Kyoto, so I was glad we took the bus. Having to walk all of these places would not have been pleasant.


Summer in Tokyo Part 7

My favorite experience while in Japan was that of climbing Mt. Fuji. Summer is the official climbing season for Mt. Fuji. The Kawaguchiko route (which I used) is 3.6 miles each way. You start at the “go-gome” or 5th station (crazier or more athletic people can start from the bottom if they choose) and climb to the 9th station at the top. It’s traditional to begin the climb at night and reach the top in time for sunrise. Some people start in the afternoon and sleep in one of the mountain huts along the way before finishing in time for sunrise, but I opted to climb the whole night through. I began my climb at about 8 PM:


Spring Break in Boston

So it’s 3rd term at Caltech. This term is full of events - from PF2 (prefrosh friday) to PFW (prefrosh weekend) to MAD Day (Make-A-Difference day) to the Venerable Camping trip. Adventure abounds! For those of you who don’t know already - PF2 was April 8th, PFW is April 14th - 16th. Please note: there ARE activities on April 16th (Saturday) which we call ‘Student Life Saturday’ so you don’t need to leave until 5pm when all events for the day end [unless you already booked your plane tickets or w/e]. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Admissions (for PFW information, ask for Karly!)


Summer in Tokyo Part 6

Another thing that’s pretty common in Japan is for companies to give their employees one week off in the summer for the Obon festival. Obon is the festival of the dead, where spirits of dead ancestors are supposed to return to the family altars. There are usually city festivals with dancing and food. Anyway, I had Obon week off, so my grandmother, who is Japanese, decided to come visit me and her family during this week. We traveled to all sorts of places together.


ASB Owens Valley The Volunteering Begins

We woke up super early to pack our lunches before heading out to our work site in the Alabama Hills. In true tourist fashion, before getting to work we all lined up for a group photo commemorating our start of work and the productivity that was to ensue…


SFC and Mannion Food! *

Today is Wednesday April 6, 2011 and the SFC was today. SFC stands for Student Faculty Conference and it’s where students and faculty meet up to discuss core reform and in each specific major, issues that arise with research and academics. Each major had a specific committee with representatives from each year. The committees met and gave presentations that were open to all students (there was even free food!). I went to the general SFC where they talked about core reform and then I went to the math major discussion. There are a lot of good ideas on the table for the core reform and I’m really looking forward to see which direction the core ends up going. In most people’s opinions, a lot of the changes are going to be improvements. At the math major SFC, we talked about research, classes, math requirements, and a lot more. I enjoyed being able to voice my opinion to the faculty about the things I felt would make the math major better.


Summer in Tokyo Part 4

Another trip I took was to Kamakura, which is about an hour outside Tokyo. Kamakura is famous for it’s daibutsu (giant Buddha) and it’s hydrangea flowers, which bloom in June. Thankfully, it was June when I visited, so I got to see some gorgeous flowers.


Busy, busy, busy!

So it’s the first week of school and I am now back to being extremely busy! Like I mentioned before, frosh are no longer on pass/fail for third term so I have to make sure to get good grades. I have a pretty good schedule and I’ve started some problem sets already.


A Walk to Arcadia!

So being crazy kids like we are, Sarai and I decided to walk to Arcadia yet again during Spring Break! It took us around 1.5 hours, and we ate again at Din Tai Fung, the international dumpling restaurant chain. Again, we got xiao long bao, which are Shanghai steamed soup dumplings:




Huntington at last!

So Sarai and I had planned to go to Huntington Library and Gardens since almost two months ago, but somehow something came up every weekend and we never made it. Finally, we got around to going there during Spring Break! On Friday, Sarai, Carrie, Albert, and I walked to Huntington. We were greeted by beautiful trees and flowers as soon as we walked past the entrace. All four of us brought a camera, and I took quite a few pictures. First we checked out the gardens with a lot of sculptures, trees, and flowers (not quite sure what it was called.) I realized on the trip that these are my favorite flowers (unfortunately I don’t know what they are called – anyone care to enlighten me?):



Hi everyone! I know this is getting old - but if you haven’t, you should skim through my other ASB entries to get the context for this one! After the usual breakfast routine, we headed to IRC again. This morning, we were very fortunate to be able to talk with some refugees!


Venturing Off Campus!

Before I had to buckle down to start getting ready for next term, I decided to do fun things that I wouldn’t normally do on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, I decided to go to Old Pasadena and Tuesday I decided to take the LA Metro train to Little Tokyo and Hollywood. It has been raining for the past few days so the ground was wet and there were ducks walking around by Dabney Garden!



Hi everyone! If you haven’t, you should probably skim my posts about Day 1 and Day 2 of the Caltech Y Owens Valley Alternative Spring Break trip!


Spring Break [at Caltech]! (Part 1)

A lot of my friends left Thursday or Friday, but there are quite a few who still stayed. It feels quite strange to have the house so much quieter, and have less people wandering into our room at random times. It’s also a lot less convenient since we have to find food for ourselves for the next 1.5 weeks since we don’t get dinner or money to use at the convenience store. Sarai finished up her last final on Thursday, and we went with a couple of our friends to Tea Spots. It’s a rather popular place that Caltech students go to for boba or shaved ice since it’s only a 10 minute walk away. There are better boba places around, but not within walking distance, and unfortunately we don’t have a car :( Another popular place Techers go to would be Cherry on Top, an awesome frozen yogurt place. It’s like Pinkberry except cheaper and better. They always have a large variety of flavors which change every week. A group of us went over on Friday, and they had flavors such as Pineapple tart, cake batter, pecan praline, as well as more original flavors such as tart and vanilla. I always go for the tart flavors, flavors like chocolate and cake batter are more befitting for ice cream…



If you haven’t, you should probably read my post about Owens Valley Day 1!


Preparing for ASB!

Hi everyone! I’m Katja!


Random // Photo Dump [Part 1]

So I have a lot of pictures that I’ve randomly taken but don’t quite merit a blog post. Therefore, this is pretty much a photo dump of random things I’ve done at Caltech, many of which are actually from first term.


Help Japan! Charity Event at Little Tokyo

One of my friends from Virginia came to visit Caltech this week, so Michael, Sarai, Ben, and I decided to take him to visit Los Angeles. First, we stopped by Chinatown, where we found a random restaurant to eat. We were sitting next to an aquarium with fishes, two of which were kissing…a couple of us found it rather amusing, but I didn’t get a picture of it. Anyway, the food was also amazing, it was nice to get some Chinese food once in a while.


Formal Dinner / Book Night

Last Tuesday was the second term formal dinner for Page House! Of course, like most dinners, you don’t have to be part of the house to attend, a bunch of people from other houses came too. Since it is a formal dinner, most girls come wearing dresses, and guys suits or dress shirts. Of course, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to dress up. One of my girl friends came wearing a polo shirt and nice pants. One of my guy friends decided to dress up like this:


When you think it's over, ...



I've been waiting all term to write this post...

I often joke that I came to Caltech for the birds of paradise. That’s one of the things I really clearly remember from my tour; it was the middle of February and these beautiful flowers were blooming all over campus. Coming from my cold climate, this seemed like a really nice concept. And really, it’s amazing how much nice weather can help a person’s attitude… yes, Caltech is hard, but at the same time, when you go out on a walk in the middle of winter in shorts and a t-shirt, it feels great even if you didn’t sleep the night before. But anyways, one of the really amazing things about Southern California is the number of gardens and arboretums around. I’m pretty sure just about every town has one and they’re an amazing escape from the craziness that can overwhelm you quickly. Luckily, the one closest to Caltech called the Huntington is also one of the largest and most beautiful and includes a large collection of artwork and historic documents including a Gutenberg Bible.


The Streak is Over!

Before coming to Caltech, I never cared about basketball games. However, my roommate Sarai is a huge basketball fan and started dragging me to them. Ever since then, I’ve gone to most of the home games, including the last home game of the season today against Occidental! Everyone went with high hopes that we would break the streak, seeing that we haven’t won a single game for the last 26 years. That’s a losing streak of 304 games.


Olive Harvest "Linner" and why I love Mark Wise

So… ya know… I haven’t really posted in a while… but… yeah… Let’s leave that for now.


February Forecast

It’s been a while since my last post so I’ll fill you in on what happened before giving you a preview of what is yet to come!


Stephen Hawking, Slingshotting Satellites, RankManiac 2011, and more!

Mighty, patient readers of this fine blog - I apologize for having a short delay in the next blog post. In fact, there was so much that had happened within the past two weeks that it was hard to do anything else other than live out my life until I got a break! As you can tell from the title of the blog - my life at Caltech is anything BUT ordinary. There’s really no way any of these topics connect with each other at all - but that’s what makes Caltech great. The variety of opportunities to learn, educate, and socialize given the small community is impressive. Whenever you’re here, you always find yourself diversifying your knowledge and experience… So what first? Stephen Hawking.


Back to Blogging!

Hello! First, let me reintroduce myself. I am Nina Budaeva, a Caltech Sophomore majoring in Physics and a Page House member. I am from Berkeley, California but was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. I started blogging a year ago and went through summer up to this school year. Now I’m very happy to be back for occasional blogs about various things that pop up in my life at Caltech! I hope you enjoy following me throughout all the countless adventures that Caltech has to offer.


Long weekends are long

And tautologies are tautologies. But yes, due to Martin Luther King Day, we had a 3 day weekend this weekend, which lead to lots of fun and even more good food. On top of that, my friend Christine had a friend named Helen from another college visiting, so we made sure to give her an especially good time. Combined with beautiful weather (80 degrees and sunny all weekend), we had a lot of fun.


Dinosaurs, Curiosity, and Mandelbrot

Mighty readers of this awesome blog post, it is the second week of school! In other words, we have about 8 more weeks before this term ends. If you’ve never been on a quarter system, you’ll enjoy all the benefits and punishments that come along with it when you come to Caltech. Some of the true benefits include being able to learn from a variety of professors on diverse subjects in short time periods (akin to the idea behind TED talks) as well as only have 10 weeks for a class you decide wasn’t as interesting as it sounded. The obvious disadvantage is that you only have 10 weeks for a class you absolutely love (but that doesn’t stop you from taking it time and time again by auditing it) and 1.5 times as many Midterm and Final exams as most other colleges. But in the case of Caltech, I’m positive that the ‘pros’ far outweigh the ‘cons’.


Page Snow Trip

On Thursday night 1/6/2011 half of Page House who went on the ski trip left for Mammoth Lakes. The other half, including me, left Friday morning. We only had to pay 10 dollars for the ski lodge for 2-3 days, which is amazingly cheap (the rest of the cost was subsidized by the house.) So on Friday morning Anguel, Dan, Sarai, and I left for the 6-hour trip.


Page Not-ski trip

So most houses do some sort of ski or beach-type trip. My house (Page) goes on an annual ski trip, though I didn’t go last year due to conflicts. This year, all my friends and I decided to go and due to the house subsidizing the trip, it only cost us 10 dollars. So on Friday afternoon (after classes, which I’ll talk about in another post), we packed warm clothes and headed to Mammoth Mountain, about 300 miles north and east of Caltech and significantly higher in elevation. We arrived around 9 and found our way into our condo. Page had rented a bunch of condos, each of which held about 10 people and had kitchens for cooking (yum!). Most of our car had eaten during the ride, so we got right into playing games and fun, though we went to bed fairly early so we could enjoy the next (full) day.


Winter Break in Sunny Florida (part 2 of 2)

As promised, part 2 of 2 of my THREE WEEK winter vacation. By becoming a member of the Caltech Community, you’re endowed with all sorts of privileges… meeting Nobel Laureates, excessively long breaks in between terms, no sleep, and delicious food 24/7. Honestly, it’s a paradise for nerds, geeks, and quirky people…. If you’re the kind of person who wants to test the water with your foot before cannon-balling in, why not come for a Caltech Tour, Caltech-In-A-Day, or Prefrosh Weekend? These events will immerse you in the culture of Caltech in a short period of time, and I highly recommend doing… ALL OF THEM.


Winter Break in Sunny Florida (part 1 of 2)

Hi future fans of my blog, welcome! I’m currently a Junior Physicist at Caltech - a school you’ve applied to, or are interested in applying to. This blog and all others that you see will give you insight into the close-knit Caltech community and the life of Techers when they’re not busy studying, doing problem sets, or sleeping (which we absolutely treasure). Actually, this is my first time blogging about anything, next to Facebook status updates, so it’s going to be a new experience for me as well. Bear with me as I get adjusted to this!So, a little bit about me… I’m born and raised in Florida, across the country. In my free time, I enjoy playing StarCraft 2, web programming (PHP, HTML5, etcetera), playing tennis, and watching TV shows on Hulu. I’m also deaf, and according to Caltech lore, the last deaf person to attend Caltech was 20 years past - so if you have any questions about Caltech accommodations for special needs, let me know. I can guarantee you that Caltech is top-notch in this area. If you have any other questions, just post a comment.



So if you’ve been reading the blogs for a while, you’ll know that Jennifer went to Disneyland during Thanksgiving. You also may have read that I took public transportation to Disneyland on the last day of spring term last year. So this post may make you think that Techers live in Disneyland. Unfortunately (or fortunately), that’s not true. However, when you mention that the place of many people’s childhood dreams is only a 45 or so minute drive away from their college, they get excited.


A Great End to a Great Trip

Hi,On the last day we had to get up really early, pack, and bring our things down the first floor. We then headed out to catch the metro to go to Bethesda, Maryland, the location of the NIH!


Nerdy Places Make Me Happy


Techers Galore

We heard from Cynthia Robinson, the director for the Science and Technology Policy Fellowships and a fellow that graduated from Caltech. The fellow went onto a postdoc after her Ph.D., but realized that she wanted to try something a bit different. She’s a biochemist, but with her fellowship, she working with an organization that deals with agriculture. We had a lively group that asked many questions, so the session was very interesting.


Off to DC!

Hey,So I’m back. Yay…ha. Anyways, this time I’m going to have a shorter blog that will cover the next few days. For those of you that read my other blog, sorry for not finishing it up. This summer/first term, I ended up being a lot busier than I initially expected. Anyways, now time to start this blog! In the early hours of Sunday morning, I left to the nation’s capital to go on the Caltech Y, Science Policy Trip! In the next few posts I’m going to tell you a bit about my experience at the capital!Let me first start off by talking about the Caltech Y. There are tons of interesting clubs/organizations on campus, but I personally think the Caltech Y is one of the best. TheCaltechYwas founded in 1916 by and for students, as an opportunity to develop leadership. Today theYexists “to enrich student life and to provide opportunities that will challenge students to become engaged responsible citizens of the world.”


An Edinburgh Christmas

I know it’s a little early to be talking about Christmas, but I can’t help it! Christmas is a really big deal here. Starting exactly a month early (Nov 25), Edinburgh’s Christmas on Princes St begins. There’s so much to do there, from a giant ferris wheel and many other rides, an out door ice skating rink, and my favorite, a German Christmas market! As far as I know, there’s nothing like this back in California, so the idea was incredibly exciting to me. (: There were so many cool things to look at.


Snow Days

So, when I saw the snow fall last weekend, I was really excited. Like really really excited. What was even cooler was that it stuckthat night too. It was like magically over night, the entire city transformed into a winter wonderland. Sooo corny I know, but it’s true! (: Most of my classes ended lecture last week, so with my free Monday I decided to take a little adventure to an art museum I’ve been meaning to go to, a little less than 2 miles away.


Spectres and Snowfall

Through our entire time at Edinburgh, I realized that all of us from Caltech hadn’t really done anything together yet. All of us failed and missed a tour of Mary King’s Close on Halloween weekend, so this Friday night (as in a little while ago) we went on a ghost tour of the underground vaults! Whoo Caltech! :P




My Trip to the Galapagos!

It’s been over three months since my trip to the Galapagos, and I am still thinking about it. For seven days, we all woke up at 5:30 am on the boat, ate breakfast together, and went out as the sun was rising on our morning hike to catch frigatebirds mating or iguanas spewing salt from their nostrils. Our days were spent snorkeling with turtles, sea lions, and schools of fish, and our nights were spent sitting on the bow of the ship, talking all together under the stars. It was truly a spring break I will never forget.


Caltech Food Tour

Caltech may be a small campus, but it has a large variety of food options. There are three main dining locations on campus — The Lee F. Browne Dining Hall, the Hameetman Center (which houses our beloved Red Door Cafe), and the Broad Café.


Some Late-Night Stress-Saving Food Runs

Midterms kept up its unrelenting attack on my sanity this week – at least a little bit. And how did I solve this? Two words.

global local culture

Quick Trip to the Beach

Although there are a lot of smaller things, such as midterm smoothies and milkshakes (Blacker does something similar to this) and some larger things like Faculty Dessert Night, the soc team usually agrees that beach trip is the most work.
