
Saturday Brunch at Sqirl

Last Saturday I went to Sqirl with some of my housemates! (My primary house affiliation is Page House). Sqirl was on my list of brunch places to try for awhile, so I was glad I finally got to go. It’s also on Jonathan Gold’s list of 101 Best Restaurants in the Los Angeles Area. The food at Sqirl was definitely worth the half hour drive to East Hollywood and the additional half hour wait outside the door. I have a car on campus, which makes it a bit easier to get off campus and go do things. If you don’t have a car, there are plenty of options - Uber/Lyft, public transportation, and friends with cars. ;) We each chose to order a different dish so we could try as many things as possible! We had the ricotta toast w/ blueberry jam, chicken + rice porridge, avocado toast, pesto sorrel bowl, and crispy rice salad. We also tried some of their pastries, including a black sesame mochi cake and a malva pudding cake (similar to sticky toffee pudding). Call me basic, but my favorite dish was the avocado toast.


A Day in My Life (Friday February 3rd)

This is what I do on a typical Friday! I plan to write more “A Day in My Life” posts to give you a glimpse of what Caltech student’s daily lives are like.


Jennifer Musto Talk

Two weeks ago, the Caltech Feminist Club was honored to co-host a visiting speaker, Dr. Jennifer Musto, for a talkaboutthe technological methods used to combat sex trafficking. Dr. Musto is a professor of Gender Studies at Wellesley College, and is on sabbatical in LA at the moment, and graciously accepted our invitation to speak. The Feminist Club co-hosted with the Student-Activism Speaker Series (SASS, an organization run through the Caltech Y). About 60 people, both students and community members, attended the talk. It was an amazing turnout for a fantastic talk!


Pasadena Outings

I’ve headed off campus a few times over the past two weeks, and I am so glad I did! Even with a packed class schedule, it’s really fun exploring the area and doing activities that I haven’t in the past three years.


Home for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year was on Saturday January 28. The date is based on the lunar calendar. Unlike New Year’s Day which marks January 1st, Chinese New Year falls on a different day each year. This year is the year of the rooster. You can read more about the twelve zodiac years here.


Caltech Dining Chinese New Year Dinner

In this post, I will talk about Caltech’s dining plan and special themed dinners - specifically Caltech’s Chinese New Year themed dinner. I will share some of my family’s Chinese New Year traditions and celebrations in a separate post.


Guest Post

Hi friends, I have a special treat for y’all: a guest post! This one’s from Daniel, myfriend who is also a senior and majors in physics but knows a lot about everything else, too. Last term, he tooka really cool class on remote sensing that took him to the heart of JPL and space missions. If you’ve done Science Olympiad, perhaps you’ve heard a bit about remote sensing. (If you don’t do SciOly, don’t fret–a lot of Techers haven’t, either!) When I was in high school, I somehow took up that event and ended up taking a test about satellites and other remote sensing topics that I really should have studied…


Meet Our Bloggers

Options: Geophysics and English


Winter Break in Florida

For those of you who are new to my blog or don’t know/don’t remember, I hail from the small, sunny town of San Marino (read: 10 minutes from campus). So, I had a fun and relaxing break at home, which is still super close to Caltech. I mostly met up with old friends and hung out with the fam. However, I also went to Florida for a week, which is primarily what I’ll talk about in this post! I’ve been to Florida with my family before, but this time I wentalone to visit friends, so it was quite a different experience! I did a lot of touristy things like going to Disney World (Epcot), Miami beach, and taking a boat tour of the Everglades. My friends and I also saw Rogue One and went on another friend’s family’s boat for a day trip out on the water. My favorite thing about Florida was the weather - it was in the high 70’s and low 80’s the whole time I was there - much warmer than it was in So Cal. For all you East Coast readers - remember that I’m from So Cal and I’m a huge wimp when it comes to cold weather! I barely noticed the humidity (although I hear it gets very humid in the summer months). My least favorite thing about Florida was the mosquitoes. :(


Rare Japanese Lessons

Hey friends, Lastterm I took L 106, the intro Japanese course. I lived in Japan briefly when I was young, and although I was once fluent in Japanese, I forgot it quicklyafter moving to the US. Even while growing up in Texas,I watched these amazing films by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli with my family. For those unfamiliar with Studio Ghibli, it’s a studio that makes gorgeous films with thought-provoking stories that remind people to love nature and respect strong women. It was my delight to find many Ghibli fans at Caltech. Last year, my house (Avery) even took on Studio Ghibli as the theme for our annual interhouse party. We painted giant eight-foot-tall murals that brought much-beloved films like Totoro, Spirited Away, and Princess Mononoke to life. It was the best interhouse yet–we spent the month before sprawled on these giant sheets of drywall, coloring in our favorite characters while listening to the beautiful Ghibli movie soundtracks composed by the extremely gifted Joe Hisaishi…


First Term Updates

Dear Readers, Apologies for the extended break - I’m back and ready to share all the exciting aspects of senior year at Caltech. :) But first, I want to take a step back and give you a quick overview offirst term (September - December).


Women's March LA

On Saturday, 1/21, I attended the Women’s March in downtown LA. Well, me and 750,000 other people! I traveled there with a large group of graduate students (and some undergrads) and tagged along with a group of three Blacker Moles (as no one else in my House attended the march). It was an incredible experience, best summarized with photos:


Reading and Writing on Break and on Campus

Reading for pleasure is something I did voraciously from age 5 to age 18. Actually, some time in high school I stopped reading books that weren’t assigned, but I think I only really noticed that I had stopped reading after a few years in college. I read the news online non-stop (and if “twitter” counts as “the news online” that previous statementis not hyperbole). I read assigned books and articles for my humanities classes. I just don’t read books that I find on a shelf and think look interesting. I have about five articles bookmarked- lists of “15 best books coming out this Spring”- all the way back to 2014, that I still haven’t read anything off of. Even in my downtime at school I’ve been ferociously binge-watching Netflix shows, not reading. This isn’t because I don’t like it anymore- when I do manage to pick up a book, I devour it just as quickly as I used to. I don’t know why my default time-suck activities are now Netflix and browsing the internet, but that’s where we are. Over winter break I decided to change that a little.


What I did on My Winter Vacation

I know I already posted about the insane number of holiday cookies I baked over winter break, but I’m here with an update, and the update is: my mother and I went through a 10lb bag of flour in one month. I’m honestly kind of proud of us, while also a little disturbed by how much granulated sugar we went through during the same period. In any case, we baked an impressive amount of breads, cakes, and cookies while I was at home with my family, and I learned a little about myself at the same time (cue the sappy montage music).


Holiday Cookies!

I’ve only been home from Caltech for two days and I’ve already baked an intense amount. If you’ve read this blog for a little while you’ll have noticed that I bake and cook quite often, and also that I haven’t done much of either for the past semester. Part of that is because I’m living on campus (in my House) again this year, and I’m on the board program and no longer need to cook every meal for myself. The other factor has been time: for the first half of the semester, I was too busy to cook (and took great advantage of the board program). “Too busy to cook” isn’t a real complaint in the real world, of course, and I’m pretty lucky to still be living on a college campus, with pre-paid-for food available nearly 24-7. But now that I’m at home for winter break, I’ve gotten back to my favorite stress relief: baking!


Napa Weekend

I had the chance this past weekend to visit one of my high school friends in Berkeley, CA. I say I “had the chance” because I took advantage of the “reading period” that Techers have between the last day of classes and the official beginning of finals week to skip town. It was maybe not the best idea, especially considering I hadn’t yet started studying for my finals, but I found cheap plane tickets to the Bay Area and I jumped at the chance.


Ditch Day

“Wake up, frosh; it’s ditch day!”


4 Finds on Abbot Kinney Blvd

Hey friends, This past weekend my friends and I went to Abbot Kinney Blvd, on the other side of LA.GQ thinks it as “the coolest block in America.” After our visit, I think we can all say that we agree. Parking was a little difficult to find, but it wasn’t too terribly expensive. (I think Imight have finally gotten used to the concept of paying for parking everywhere out here in California…) The cloudy day was perfect for photos (:


How Premeds Skip Class

Hello friends, As I might have mentioned before, I’m a premed. At some schools, that might be a certain major, but at Caltech (and most schools, I think), that just means that I have the intention of applying to medical school. Premeds can major in whatever they’re interested in, but for a lot of people that means some sort of biology/chemistry/combination. I’m a chemistry major because I found that when I studied biology, I wished I had a stronger chemistry background.


Alhambra Farmers' Market

Hello friends! Lunch after church: That’s been one of the most regular ways for me to explore and eat my way through Los Angeles with friends for the past few years. Yesterday, we went to the Alhambra Farmers’ Market on our way back to campus. Farmers’ markets are one of the most sure-fire ways to know what’s in season:right now, it’s apples, persimmons, tomatoes, and sunflowers. There are also somehow always these long stalks of sugarcane. I wonder what people use those for. If you know, please share? When I go, I like to stop by this little tent of Taiwanese snacks, where I can pay $5 for dan bing egg (蚕餅), a green onion pancake with egg. I love to snack on dan bing as I walk around the market.


A Caltech Halloween

Boo! Halloween has come to be one of my favorite holidays. When I was little, it would always manage to rain on Halloween night so that trick-or-treating was messy. I like it now because it’s the one day a year that I get to be someone/something else and amuse people when they recognize it. That is, in theory. I’ve been pretty bad at being other people/things so far. I’d like to say I improved this year compared to years past. Can you tell who I am?


Off Campus Adventures

Hello again!


Postcards from Jenny

As I was reminiscing about my study abroad experience last year, I dug up this old post that never got posted…


Postcards from Jenny

I can’t believe it’s somehow already been a year. I met this year’s exchange students from Edinburgh Uni, and talking to them brought me back to the cobbly wynds and layers of ghosts that is Edinburgh. Anyhow, here’s another one of my posts from London last year.


Postcards from Jenny

I keep discovering all these postcards that were lost in the mail, heh. Better late than never!Some of my friends have just settled in for their study abroad experience in Edinburgh, and hearing about their adventures reminded me of these museums I visited during my time there….


Postcards from Jenny

Autumn is upon us, but this one in Southern California feels a little lackluster compared to that in Edinburgh last year…


Coffee adventures on and off campus

It’s probably no surprise that Caltech students like to get off campus sometimes! Some students go to the beach whenever they can, or go to concerts in LA, or go hiking or mountain biking in Altadena or the greater LA area. I don’t have a car, but I like to go off-campus to grab coffee and study in a new spot, or just go to Old Pas to shop (read: waste my Blogging paycheck). I’ve also started brewing my own coffee in my room in Page House, having finally ordered a coffee grinder, electric kettle, and pour-over cone. I think the setup is pretty good for a $30 investment and some beans from Target!



Hi friends,


Here Fishy Fishy

Hi there, and happy Monday! It’s been a great weekend, I hope you all had good weekends too.


A Busy Weekend

Hello and happy Monday! I’m still resting up from the super busy week. Hopefully I can get properly rested before camping next weekend.



It feels as though I picked up my Caltech ID yesterday. I remember walking through campus for the first time, thinking I’d never figure out how to get around campus. I remember meeting all those new faces, learning all those names just to forget them minutes later. I remember lacing up my shoes for my first volleyball practice. I remember sitting on the beach at night during frosh camp. I remember standing around on the Olive Walk after a game waiting for our new houses to be announced. After hearing the cannon fire, I found my nametag in the Fleming courtyard. That night, I got my room assignment and found a group of friends that would fill all 200 square feet.


SF Pride Weekend!

Hey there! It’s been a pretty busy weekend. On Friday, Airware officially moved out of its site and into a new, fancier one. I did no work. I spent all day moving and helping other people move. The internet shut off at 3 and I went home shortly after that.


First Weekend of Summer!

Hi there!


Memories from Ditch Day

Hello friends, I tell people on tours that there are two bigtraditions at Caltech: Interhouse and Ditch Day. The former is a party that each house builds and hosts every year. The term “build” might be confusing. We build a dance floor, paint and put up large murals, and make lots of food all to fit a theme. In my time at Caltech, Avery House has done The Great Gatsby, Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, and Studio Ghibli. I’ve written about other interhouse parties throughout the years.


Very Busy Weekend

Hi there, everyone!


Venerable Formal Dinner

Last weekend was formal dinner for the north houses, so I decided to make use of my social membership and dine with Venerable for a night. While house dinners are mainly populated by members of that particular house, there are usually a lot of other non-members at formal dinners.


Alumni Dinner

So, the really cool part about the house system is that you carry your house affiliation with you long after you leave Caltech. For example, one of the eight houses has their insignia laser engraved onto one of the panels on Curiosity, the Mars Rover. And while we always get to hear about the amazing alums that once lived in our house, it is a rare treat for us to meet them and talk to them. This past weekend was Fleming Alumni Dinner, so alums decided to pay us a visit at house dinner, talk about their lives at Caltech, and what going to Caltech was like back in the old days.


Midnight Donuts

Every term, on the Wednesday of the eighth week, ASCIT (Caltech’s student government) makes donuts and hands them out on the Olive Walk (the path between the north and south houses) at midnight. While Caltech orders about seven hundred donuts, about fourteen dozen of those donuts are just shells that we need to fill. And as per an old tradition, we slice these shells open to fill them with glazed strawberries. So, as a part of the ASCIT Board of Directors this term, I was the one slicing strawberries and filling donuts.


Cocktail Party and Midterm Grades

Every year, Page house hosts a formal event for ourselves called Cocktail Party. The past few years it’s been held in the courtyard of Beckman laboratory, with a live jazz band, a photo booth, and a bar. We name the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks after current Pageboys, and have them themed to inside jokes from the year. It’s a great excuse to dress up and dance!


Really Old Books

Hello! Today is Thursday of Week 9. The countdown is real - only one more week of classes. I’m probably going to make it.


Very Busy Weekend

Hi there! I did nothing for two days this weekend. By which I mean, I did no work.




My Trip to the Galapagos!

It’s been over three months since my trip to the Galapagos, and I am still thinking about it. For seven days, we all woke up at 5:30 am on the boat, ate breakfast together, and went out as the sun was rising on our morning hike to catch frigatebirds mating or iguanas spewing salt from their nostrils. Our days were spent snorkeling with turtles, sea lions, and schools of fish, and our nights were spent sitting on the bow of the ship, talking all together under the stars. It was truly a spring break I will never forget.


Caltech Food Tour

Caltech may be a small campus, but it has a large variety of food options. There are three main dining locations on campus — The Lee F. Browne Dining Hall, the Hameetman Center (which houses our beloved Red Door Cafe), and the Broad Café.


Some Late-Night Stress-Saving Food Runs

Midterms kept up its unrelenting attack on my sanity this week – at least a little bit. And how did I solve this? Two words.

global local culture

Quick Trip to the Beach

Although there are a lot of smaller things, such as midterm smoothies and milkshakes (Blacker does something similar to this) and some larger things like Faculty Dessert Night, the soc team usually agrees that beach trip is the most work.
