Blinterhouse Round 2

Blinterhouse Round 2

Hello, my friends, it has been a long week but it’s the weekend now!

And that means it’s interhouse season! This is actually the second interhouse party that I’ve been to this year (I’ve been horribly busy and seemingly inevitably out of town on every Saturday they’re holding an interhouse). And I couldn’t have picked a better one to make it to!

About a year ago I posted about the very same interhouse party, Blacker interhouse (aka blinterhouse), but this year everything got shaken up a bit. Plus, I love the construction they do and so I figured it was worth a post and a few artsy pictures. This year their theme was bioluminescence, so they had all sorts of wonderful lighting effects and generally artsy exhibits around the house.

The construction was a bit different this year. Last year, they built a giant pirate ship. Unfortunately, though, due to some recent incidents the Pasadena fire department has started cracking down a bit more on Caltech affairs, so they’ve imposed a 4-foot limit on any constructed dance floor. This didn’t stop Blacker from building something awesome nevertheless! They constructed an exactly four-foot-high dance floor surrounded by Roman style wooden pillars, complete with a pseudo-moat that had water cascading in streams over the top of it. To top it all off, they ran a stream of neopixel LEDs over the top and cascaded that with color as well.

Throughout the house, the members had put together quite a few art projects. There were imitation jellyfish, caves, moss. Everything was lit up with glow-in-the-dark paint or some kind of substance that a blacklight would cause to glow. They also had an artsy assortment of mellow orange lighting. It created for an Instagram perfect combination that just the right amount of people decided to take advantage of. Some of the little trees that they had in a mini cave exhibit appeared to be made up of broccoli. Creative and cool!

In addition to that, they had the standard Caltech dance music (a weird combination between hip pop music and 2008 alternative rock music) and a nice selection of food. They even included some famous Blacker house food combinations (although as of right now I can’t remember exactly what those were). A very solid experience with some super cool people and effects.

You light up my life (with bioluminescence),

– Chandrew