Blacker Pop-Up Restaurant

Blacker Pop-Up Restaurant

Early in the term, some moles sent out an invitation to Blacker members to come to their Pop-Up Restaurant. They wished to prepare and serve a fancy meal to their fellow house members - for experimenting with fancy food. In a concerted effort with Tom Mannion (who has had previous experience with this sort of stuff), they completed a nine-course menu which we were served for dinner.

The nine courses were Amuse-Bouche : Smoked Salmon Ice Cream Cone Appetizer : Prawn with fresh Avocado and Picante Soup : Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho with Dijon Mustard ice cream Cold Starter : Scallop carpaccio Hot Starter : Pan Seared Duck Breast with Blueberry Sauce Main Course : Wild Mushroom Beef Wellington Cheese : Petit Basque with Golden Raisin puree and Carrot salad Dessert : Goat Cheese Cheesecake with Port Wine Cherry sauce