Birthday Celebrations!

Birthday Celebrations!

I had the pleasure of celebrating my 21st birthday in Australia a couple of weeks ago. It coincided with the “Under the Sea” party that was part of O-Week in the Village. The girls and I had agreed to meet up in Sarah and Mia’s room to get ready at 6:15. I received a couple of text messages that kept pushing the time back, since apparently Sarah and Mia were still cooking dinner. Forty five minutes later I had reached the conclusion that they had either burned their kitchen down or else were making a really splendid meal.

When I was finally told to come up to their room, they surprised me with a chocolate cake, candles, and birthday cards!

After everyone had enjoyed some cake, we started getting ready for the party. Some of the girls had gone to a costume shop earlier to buy face paint, and we quickly discovered that Sarah was a fantastic face-painting artist. Here’s some of her masterpieces…

I did my own bit of painting, too! Also, Fiona was determined to tell everyone that it was my birthday, so she painted a 21 on my arm.

Here’s us heading out for a night of dancing, celebrating, hanging out, and meeting new people.