Behind the Scenes of Lloyd Interhouse

Behind the Scenes of Lloyd Interhouse

Ahoy ye landlubbers! Thar be merrymaking to be had hereabouts! All ye blokes an beauties, weigh anchor, hoist the sails, land ho! Feast yer eyes, point yer pegleg, or ye’ll be a-walkin the plank! Tis the time o’ Lloyd Interhouse! Lloyd Interhouse was exactly one week ago, and man, was it a party. The theme was Pirates of the Caribbean. While Jenny wrote a fantastic post about her experience that night, I thought I’d give you, dear readers, a behind-the-scenes look at the finest event of the year.

The freshmen voted in two party chairs (Sarthak and yours truly) and two construction chairs (Christina (roomie!) and Evan). And we got to work.

Construction happened every night for about a month and a half, spearheaded by the selfless master builder – Evan. Painting was a really good time. As a safety precaution, everything that could be reached by partygoers had to be covered in fire-proofing paint. For decorations, we included a mural of “The Green Flash” [insert youtube video], a mural of skeleteons, hanging by the neck, and a dead pirate next to a chest of gold. [insert picture of skeletons]. Thanks to all the frosh and upperclassmen that came out to work, it was much easier than expected to get everything finished! On the Friday before the big day, a senior, Valère, and I, had a “Shopping SPWEEE”. First stop was Restaurant Depot. Then it was BevMo, Pavillions, and quick In’n’Out stop (just for us ;) ). It was actually lucky that only the two of us came shopping – we wouldn’t have fit any one else in the car because of all the food and drinks we had packed in there! The Friday just before, we had our our security clearance meeting. Administrators from three different departments as well as the Lloyd RA, Michael, and the North House RLC, Emily, were present to check up on our construction and safety measures. Predictably, we finished with flying colors!! From 11 am Friday to 4am Saturday and again from 11am Saturday until 10pm, all of the Lloyd frosh were hard at work making final decorations and other preparations. The final, massive mural for the dining hall was finished. Our lighting was checked up. Fog juice was bought and the machine was prepped. All food was cooked. The bartenders were brought in and told the rules. The Llounge was blocked off completely.

And finally, we had time for our own party. In pirate hats and clothes, we were the first ones on the dance floor.

Budget: $1800 assorted construction materials $700 food and drinks $200 décor One seriously good time - #PRICELESS

Enjoy the pictures below!

Val and Christina chillin on the boat ^

Setting up stairs - team effort! ^

Master Artist: Irene, hard at work on the Green Flash Mural ^

Green Flash at work ^

Looking good! ^

Everybody’s working hard! ^

O, Captain! My Captain! ^

Dat smile looks like we did it! ^

Mimi, expert painter! ^

Such engineering ^

Get ready to PARTY! ^


Until next time, Alison