

Hi friends, On Saturday, Avery House went to the beach.

My friend Tong lay down and buried himself in the sand for the morning. He said his dream was to be buried vertically…

Let’s just say that in Avery House, we work together to help you fulfill your dreams:

Tong got his deep vertical hole, built by Caltech engineers, complete with footholds. (: I learned toboogie board and skim board. It required less balance and was easier to learn than paddle boarding, which I tried the last time I went on beach trip. My friends and I also spikeball and volleyball on the sand. We finished the perfect day with dinner and s’mores over a bonfire on the beach.

Corn roasted in a bonfire has to be one of my favorite summer foods. How’s summer lookin’ for y’all? keep lookin’ up, jenny.