Back to Caltech for Sophomore Winter term!

Back to Caltech for Sophomore Winter term!

Hi guys!

School officially started today, and it feels so weird not to have any work due this week! (well ALMOST none, since there’s this one trivial Ma3 set that asked us to record the outcomes of 128 coin flips…) I’m going to cherish this week since there’s so much free time!

Actually, today was kind of busy for me because I had to go to the Consultate General of Republic of Korea to get my passport renewed. I only had about 5 weeks left on my current passport so it was imperative that I got a new one. Thankfully I can pick up the new one before January ends. So there you go, that’s one perk of being an international student: dealing with more paperwork than is necessary.

Anyways, after nearly getting destroyed last term by overloading (57 units), this term looks a little better for me. I’m currently on 48 units, and I’m taking Ma3, Ph2b, Ma6b, ACM95b and Law/PS/H148a. So I heard Ma3 is an easier class than Ma2, and I think ACM95b might be easier than last term too, so overall I think my workload is going to decrease this term. I also might drop Law148a and take it next year instead (and take a philosophy class)… the first class is tomorrow, so we’ll see how it goes I guess.

Here’s a photo of a dessert I had with my parents yesterday at a restaurant called Bistro45. It was yummy! It was called chocolate soup because you poured chocolate syrup into a warm chocolate soufflé and the mixture was a lovely and thick molten chocolate… mmm.I might have to try and make that myself…

Happy New Year!

Grace xx