Back--- but BUSY

Back--- but BUSY

Back from my very relaxing break….

…and have been running around since then. I literally got off the train from San Diego this Monday and gave the morning tour. There are SO many visitors on our campus this week ….we need about 5-6 tour guides just to accommodate the morning tour! In addition to that, I have been bouncing around from meeting to meeting to dance rehearsal to dance rehearsal. With the dance show coming up next weekend and other work I have on different committees…I know term just started—but I have been busier than ever! I am also studying for my Engineer-in-Training Exam every chance I get…the exam is coming up later in April (more on that later) drafting up my thesis, and starting to get into the swing of my two only courses: Cognitive Psychology & Science Technical Writing.

ANYWAY…I have to go, as I am blogging from the gym, where I have just taken yoga and waiting for my ballet rehearsal to start….will update you guys soon!