Isha Chakraborty

Isha Chakraborty

Hi! I’m Isha Chakraborty, a junior from Chandler, Arizona and Cupertino, California studying Computer Science. On campus, I am a member of Page House, the Society of Women Engineers, Caltech Ballroom, the Sexual Assault and Gender Equity Council, a trained Title IX advocate, a Dean’s Tutor, a Teaching Assistant for a few Computer Science classes, and an Admissions Ambassador. I am really interested in the applications of Computer Science and have been working as a Statistical Genetics and Computational Biology researcher for the Pachter Lab. In my spare time, I love drawing, making my way through the New York Times bestseller list, and binging TV shows with my friends!

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Student Life

Pack With Me!

Thinking about being back as a Junior at Caltech this year was nothing short of terrifying. It felt like it was just yesterday that I was a frosh getting lost in Linde trying to find the recitation for Ma1a: Calculus of One and Several Variables and Linear Algebra. Now, I was responsible for being a source of support to the new frosh and sophomores.
