Attend a New Media Arts Exhibition

Attend a New Media Arts Exhibition

E89 New Media Arts in the 20th and 21th Century, a class taught by Hillary Mushkin, had its annual student showcase. The course goes over major art movements and pieces stemming from around WWI such as Dada-ism, surveillance art and mediated realities. Each lecture is an exploration and discussion of various pieces, and the course culminates in a student-designed art piece that relates to the themes coveredover the term.

A crawl-in experience, this enclosure has mirrored walls that reflect the various strands of LEDs, making it seem as if the viewer is surrounded by infinite lights. Music plays as a wearable device on the viewer's wrist translates his or her heart beats into pulses of light. In a way, this extends the viewer's body into a large, expansive space.
The 1960's Fluxus Performance Notebook is a collection of instructions, proposals and propositions for readers to perform their own "happenings". Viewers at this exhibit are invited to perform in a more modern rendition.
Viewers step in front of a camera and are turned into mini-virtual characters on the screen. As the exhibit went on, the virtual world became more and more populated with small moving avatars.
To help users embody a web crawler, ads from a live web crawl pop up and overlay over a video of someone taking a walk. Users can control how quickly the web crawler (and correspondingly, the video of the nature walk) navigates the web by pulling on a joy stick.
The shopping cart is fitted with a monitor that shows lots of added features, such as GPS for navigation through a grocery store. Users can shoot at it using a wave gun to make the cart roll by itself. This absurd piece is meant to highlight how many consumer products are overwhelmed by superfluous extra features.