Cambridge Arts & Crafts Market

Cambridge Arts & Crafts Market

When wandering around town, I stumbled upon an Art & Craft Market! Inside, there are various stalls selling everything from hand-carved stamps to leather belts to ceramics. It was pretty small, with about 10 stalls, but it was nice to look at the various goods. The autumn leaves are starting to decorate the ground, and I’m super excited to be experience my first true fall. The trees where I live are mostly evergreens, and autumn is always during school, so I’ve never travelled to see the changing leaves before!

Afterwards, I went to Fitzbillies, a cute coffee shop close to my college. It’s very popular and always has a line going out the door. I walk past it every day when heading to the Engineering department for class, so today I stopped by for a coffee. I got a piccolo, which is a tiny cup containing espresso topped with milk.

Fitzbillies also sells various pastries and is a popular brunch spot. It is a bit on the pricey side, so I haven’t yet tried their food – I will eventually though, at least once. I’m making it a goal to visit as many coffee shops as I can this term. At Caltech, I love going around to coffee shops to grab a coffee and do work. It’s a refreshing break from being on campus, especially when the coffee shops have nice vibes and nice music :)