ArtNight Pasadena

ArtNight Pasadena

Hey guys! So instead of going on the Fleming house beach trip to San Diego this weekend, I decided to spend my weekend catching up on some work and doing cultural activities like…going to the Pasadena Art Night! For those of you who are not yet familiar with the Pasadena ArtNight, It’s one day every year when all of the major museums and galleries in Pasadena are open until late, and you can visit all of them for free! There are shuttles from the Pasadena City Hall, and those are completely free of charge also! So Basically it’s a night where you get to go out, enjoy some great street food (from food trucks around the area), look at contemporary art for free and meet loads of different young and upcoming artists in Pasadena. More info here.

I didn’t get to take that many photos since it got quite dark quickly and taking photos of things inside the shuttles is not that entertaining. But I will share with you guys some of the artwork that I found inside the Pasadena Museum of History.

I really liked the three paintings here, they’re all scenes around Pasadena that are familiar to me, but they’ve been painted in such a way that is so beautiful. I especially like the third one where there the muted colours depict sunset at Pasadena City Hall. Also the painter’s choice to put the American flag in the centre of a square painting draws attention to it immediately.

Here’s a very grainy selfie with our cool hot pink ArtNight stickers to end this post.

Toodles! Grace xx