...And All That Jazz

...And All That Jazz

I had a wonderful Friday evening this past weekend, courtesy of the Caltech Y! They were able to secure us a block of tickets to see the musical “Chicago” at the Pantages Theatre, and I was lucky enough to have won the competitive lottery to get a pair! I do admit I’m kind of a theater snob, as I live an hour away from Broadway so have seen lots of shows, but I’ve never seen this particular one nor have been in this particular theater, so I was up for a new experience! Remember my mantra: explore as much of LA as possible before leaving!First, pictures, then review of the show!

So what did I think of the show? Well, I’ll be honest… it was good but definitely not one of my favorites. It is a unique kind of show - mostly dancing and singing without too much other interaction. I mean, both of those aspects were good (and I got to see Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child play Roxie!), but I think that there was just something missing. Maybe the classics of “Phantom” and “Les Mis” are so familiar to me that I think that’s what all musicals should be like, but in any case I still enjoyed the show and the experience. And Dannah LOVED the dancing (though she kept comparing it to the movie, and obviously you can’t compare the two haha). So all in all, I think it was a very enjoyable evening! Thanks again, Caltech Y, for the awesome experience!