Alumni Weekend...and a soon-to-be alumni's weekend at the ballet

Alumni Weekend...and a soon-to-be alumni's weekend at the ballet

Hope you guys had a good weekend! My weekend started off on Friday evening when I attended the Alumni Fund Reunion Reception on the Ath Lawn. It was an event that included hors d’oeuvres and mingling with a lot of alumni—I talked for a bit with a group of Alums that were celebrating their 50th year anniversary..they graduated in 1960! I also got my picture taken a bunch of times with them…because they kept telling me I was the very first Caltech Girl they had met—since women weren’t present in the institute until 1975. After the reception, we were seated to a program that featured the presentation of donation checks from the classes. Thank you alumni for your generous donations! President Chameau :)

There were alums from the class of 1940!!

The experience really made me realize how close graduation is– When asked if I was an alum, I responded by saying “I will be…in less than a month!”…can’t imagine I will be joining the ranks of Caltech Alums so soon :) The program was followed by class photos..

Here is a picture of me, President Chameau and my grad student friend Artemis, who was also invited to mingle with alums

After running into Artemis during the reception…we found a shared interest to watch the Pasadena Dance Theatre perform two ballets the next day in San Gabriel (few miles away from campus). We are yoga and ballet buddies, so we thought it would be fun to get off campus and see the performances together. So on Saturday, we trekked out to the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse. It was such a cute area on a quaint street, so we walked around a bit before the show.

So Pretty!

The ballets we watched were “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and “Graduation Ball”. I’m almost certain I had a huge smile on my face the entire time…they were so beautiful and I was so inspired by these dancers. It was such a wonderful day to spend my Saturday :)