All That Jazz

All That Jazz

I look forward to Thursdays…not because it means that it’s one day from Friday and the end of the week, but because every Thursday night I have Jazz class and Hip-Hop class! :D As long as I can remember, I have always been dancing…I absolutely adore performing (I mean, I’m Filipino after all!) and am addicted to the rush dancing brings me. Dance is my main extracurricular activity, since I don’t play on any sports teams at Tech…but I will absolutely defend that dancers are some of the strongest and disciplined athletes out there. RESPECT! I danced on my high school’s dance team and naturally continued it at Caltech–I’ve been dancing for Caltech my entire 4 years here, and have been involved in everything from ballroom to bellydance to jazz, hip hop and ballet. I just can’t get enough, I guess! I think it’s the main thing people know me for around campus…other than being a food critic and a tour guide. “Dannah?—she’s probably dancing….”

We were super tired today from class–it was our first practice of term…and most of us didn’t continuing our conditioning and taking technique classes over winter break. We’ll all be sore tomorrow, I’m sure. In most of my dance classes–we’ve all started discussing our pieces for the Caltech Dance Show in April. That’s only a few months away!…and it will be my last! :( I remember when I came in as a freshman…I’m pretty sure I was the only undergrad dancer–I was dancing alongside grad students mostly. But I’m so excited that over the years, I have been joined by wonderful underclassman in the dance classes. I guess as the senior member on the troupe…I feel a great sense of responsibility to promote the dance classes/troupe/show, and recruit dancers. Which isn’t hard, because it is truly something I am passionate about. Stay tuned for more dancing this term…we’re really gonna pick it up in preparation for the big show!