Action-Packed Weekend!

Action-Packed Weekend!

So as promised in the last post (though at this point much belated as usual), I promised I would talk a little bit about the Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge that we attended last weekend. So here we go.The Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge is exactly what it sounds like, apuzzle challenge. We went in with four computer science majors (my three apartment-mates and me) expecting to have a programming competition, but instead we stood bamboozled by logic puzzles that eluded our collective understanding; the questions would be something like a picture followed by a question mark, with many other pictures beneath it from which we must answer the question. The answers were submitted through an online webpage. This was rather unfortunate but it was still very fun to laugh at each other while struggling through a task clearly not made for us. The CPC lasts all day, with puzzles first released at 10 and further ones released incrementally throughout the course of the day until the deadline for total submission comes around at 7.

We got up at 745 and took an Uber downtown where the challenge was being hosted. Uber is truly the savior of college students; it costed a mere $30 to get downtown, and split among the four of us the cost wasn’t very great at all! It plays quite an integral part of the college student experience if one does not have a car.

Unfortunately, the public transit to the Getty Center from Caltech takes a full two hourssingle way, so this is certainly a trip one would usually want to Uber. However, I brought work to do on the rides and was for the most part fairly productive! However, my fun this weekend, with both the CPC and the Getty Center, did not go unnoticed by the Homework Gods sitting somewhere up in the skies. I tried my best to get ahead on work on Monday and Tuesday, but the typically murderous end of the week came around I ended up sleeping only five hours for three straight nights (Tuesday-Thursday night). This is with my GRE coming up on Saturday, so I really should be getting more rest! Alas, it wasn’t something I could afford with all the work, and Icertainly will never get away with an extension. However, I know that in the future if I don’t try to indulge on the weekends (I figured I’d try once before the work really kicked in) I can certainly get significantly more ahead on the weekends (to the tune of finishing 1.5 of the 2 assignments I have due onWednesday by Sunday night) and actually have a reasonable week. Time will tell whether this proves doable…