A Typical Summer Week at Tech

A Typical Summer Week at Tech

Hi everyone, This week has been relatively quiet for me, so I thought I’d simply share with you all the ways in which we are being entertained during the summer weekdays here at school.

Monday nights have been movie nights at the Red Door Cafe, the little coffee shop we have here on campus near Chandler. We get to enjoy the company of others while watching some popular movie and eating free popcorn :) Tuesdays have been Taco Tuesdays at Red Door. I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.

Wednesday nights are trivia nights right outside of Red Door. Although I have proven to be absolutely terrible at trivia (why do I go to Caltech again?), I am a really huge fan of this event because of its lively social atmosphere and fun, competitive spirit. Also, here’s a good opportunity for me to boast that my team won a couple of weeks back (though my contribution was pretty insignificant…I think I provided 2 correct answers over the entire night). Winners of trivia night usually get some sort of Caltech Dining Service gift card, which is pretty handy for us poor college students! Thursday nights are Iron Chef nights - Caltech version. There are four teams that get to participate each week in an Iron Chef-like competition planned and organized by Tom Mannion and his helpers. Tom provides each team with a box of ingredients for two rounds of cooking and always sneaks in some odd and unappetizing secret ingredient; in the past few weeks, it’s been rabbit for the first competition and duck for the second. I must say, seeing these animals being presented as ingredients and the students’ subsequent reactions has certainly made me consider becoming a vegetarian! Furthermore, I get to be a judge for these competitions, which can be a good or bad thing depending on what the competitors have cooked up for us. I have been pretty impressed with most of these meals though and can tell that they put in a lot of effort to try and please our star judge, Tom himself, who can basically cook up anything delicious under the sun with his own unique recipes. Me? I’m usually satisfied with microwavable meals and leftovers.

Me judging alongside Tom and another student.

I had a very relaxing weekend catching up on my sleep and attending a few social events around campus, and now a new workweek begins. We have a famous magician coming to perform in Chandler this Tuesday during dinnertime…I’m certainly looking forward to that!

Upcoming performances by well-known magicians! Come check them out if you are in the area :)