A Techer's Birthday

A Techer's Birthday

Hi all, This past week, a bunch of us celebrated a Techer’s birthday rather uniquely. Catherine (or Cat), our ASCIT Secretary, turned another year older this past Tuesday. Since she also works closely with Tom Mannion, our beloved ASCIT “overseer,” we got to celebrate Cat’s birthday at Tom’s house with a bunch of different cakes and ice cream flavors, all courtesy of Tom. Tom had also hosted a trustees dinner at his house earlier that evening (does this man ever take a break?) so several late-staying trustees celebrated with us as well. We all ended up talking for several hours about the status of student life at Caltech…the good, the bad, the traditions, the changes, etc. It was incredibly interesting to hear stories from Caltech alum about student life back in the day and compare them with our own stories from the past few years. The overall lesson learned from this conversation was that things have certainly changed with time! We continued Cat’s birthday celebration into Friday evening, during which a group of us Flems went out to eat at Cleo Restaurant, a delicious (and definitely pricey for us poor college students) Mediterranean restaurant in Hollywood. For those of you looking for a new place to eat in LA, I would definitely recommend this restaurant…one of the best I’ve eaten at by far! The group at Cleo.

We were a bit displeased with the lack of food in front of us…

Cat’s birthday celebration ended with a “Cat Bash” that night in the courtyard of Fleming…people from all over campus came by to hang out, socialize, and wish Cat a happy birthday. It was definitely a great birthday for Cat and a fun and relaxing weekend for the rest of us! Might I add that I got around to submitting about 8 medical school applications this weekend as well :) Working hard playing hard at its finest! Until next time, Michelle