A Stroll in the Gardens

A Stroll in the Gardens

One of my biggest reasons for wanting to study abroad was the chance to be in a city where appreciation of the arts was easily accessible. With so many museums within walking distance, it’s easily one of my favorite things about Edinburgh. The National Galleries of Scotland are spread throughout the city, and many of them are free. This weekend, I decided to visit the Royal Scottish Academy Building, where they were holding the Impressionist Gardens, an exhibit devoted to, not surpisingly, the Impressionist garden. As luck would have it, this was the last weekend of the exhibit! I’m so glad I decided to go this weekend instead of procrastinating… (:

*Fountain in the Park of Sans Souci Palace near Potsdam by Theo Van Ryoselberghe * After my artistic excursion, I decided to take my time walking back to my flat. One of the things I came across was a strange looking van in the middle of the empty area by the galleries… it turned out to be a travelling gallery, so I decided to take a peek inside. The insides were decorated by a group of 8 different street artists and made up a pretty neat collage.

yep… thats a giant fly hanging from the ceiling. I won’t pretend I understood what was going on inside that truck, but whatever it was, it was pretty cool. I also decided to explore Princes St Gardens a little too, since I usually just walk past it whenever I go to Princes Street (which is more often than I like to admit… somehow I always get dragged into shopping with different people, not that I mind…) I really wish we had wide open areas like these in LA. It’s impossible I know, but it’s so beautiful, and calm and serene- the perfect place to just relax with friends or even by yourself when you feel like having an idle day outside. It almost makes me wish I was an English major… so I could just do my reading outside. Ah… oh well. (: That’s it for this week! I hope I put in enough pictures to make up for my last two posts…!