A Story of Formal Finery

A Story of Formal Finery

Each year, ASCIT arranges a formal dance for the students who wish to attend. The Social Director organizes venue, ticket sales, and transportation for the students who want to go. This year, they held Formal at Hotel Alexandria. I went to formal with a friend, as each other’s “dates” - I somewhat jokingly dressed up in a suit to escort her to the dance. It was both of our first times at formal, so it was a new experience to see everyone from all of the Houses dressing up in long dresses and fancy suits. The venue was pretty - but we didn’t arrive in time for pictures, so we couldn’t go up to the second floor balcony (I hear it’s kinda famous?) to see the city or have photo ops. Even so, we enjoyed ourselves having food and chatting with friends, and even dancing a little.

However, best of all The Last Bookstore was just across the street from the hotel. We walked over with a couple of friends in our finery, to find more than a few other student had had the same idea. That night, there were quite a few of us fancy people walking around looking at the books and artwork. I had actually only vaguely heard about this store in passing, but I didn’t realize the interior design was so cool. The second floor is really the best there is, as the bookshelves are all arranged at weird angles and there are a few pieces of art made of books. The second floor also has a wide open center, which looks out onto the first floor. It gives a really nice open feel and design to the place.

In all, my friend and I had a lot of fun at formal. Although we may not have spent the whole time at the hotel, the whole experience was really fun; I even bought a book at the bookstore, and I would totally go back another time to browse through everything again.