A Senior with a job!

A Senior with a job!

Hello everyone, Blacker Interhouse was amazing - they built a huge ship that had gigantic oars, two stories of dance floors, and the whole courtyard was filled with water. As soon as I get picture uploaded, I’ll try to post one - there were a lot of people dressed up as gods.

I also got my first job offer, wooo!! So being a senior with a job now means I can relax a little bit more than I had been before. I am in a cooking class also, and as a senior in that, I can focus on actually trying to memorize the recipes and flavors and ways to use spices, instead of just eating delicious food all the time. Not that the underclassmen do that, of course! On top of the fun things I do in Pasadena, Caltech also has a ton of senior events. I went to a senior barbecue last weekend with my House, and this Friday we have a Root Beer Float night. Then, Sunday is a 40 Days! Party at the Alumni House, celebrating our graduation happening in 40 days and hosted by the Alumni Association. They say we get a free gift…any guesses what that will be?? Maybe it is a giant stuffed beaver that has a Caltech t-shirt on it. Or, a Caltech beaver costume. You know, practical things like that.

Anyway, there are a lot of cool senior activities Caltech is starting to provide now that graduation is imminent. I’ll keep posting all the neat events we get to participate in!