A little bit about myself..

A little bit about myself..

Hi everyone! For those of you who don’t know me yet, a brief introduction about myself…

My name is Grace, and I’m a rising sophomore here at Caltech. I’m an international student, having lived in Korea and London for 10 and 8 years respectively. I’m an aspiring ACM major and I am also toying with the idea of a minor in Philosophy/English. I’m one of the soc froshes for Fleming House, and last year I’ve been involved in a bunch of extra-curricular activities such as a cappella, the caltech yearbook, InnoWorks and the SFP House Ambassadors program. I’m a foodie and a yelp addict, and when I’m not looking up cool cafés to check out, I’m probably just busy doing sets…

I’m hoping to make two posts a week about any new and hip food places I visit, as well as posts of my attempts to cook food at Caltech on weekends if I ever feel that adventurous. I might also occasionally write about life as an International student, so watch this space!