A Boba Reunion

A Boba Reunion

I made a couple of really good friends last year during FBU, whom I have featured in at least one blog post before. We all decided to take our return offers from FBU for the full internship in MPK (Menlo Park). So we have gathered once again!

I was the last of us to start at Facebook, because of the quarter system. They are both on the semester system, so they started almost a month before I did. It’s kind of odd to think that they had a month “vacation” before I was even out of school. On the bright side, I’ll also have a month vacation while they are in school in September, because we don’t go back until October gasp.

What better way to commemorate our reunion that with boba? So on my first day, the three of us went to Boba Guys. It was actually my first time there (because when I had tried to get it before, the line went down the block).

They have really tame to super interesting flavors. Matcha milk tea, horchata, and Hong Kong Milk Tea are all standard ones. But I wanted to be fancy. They have some specials that are super interesting combinations. So I chose the matchata - meaning matcha and horchata together. It was super tasty, and also really pretty to take a photo of.