Zooming Through the Year

Zooming Through the Year

These past six months have been a whirlwind- from having to move out of Caltech housing in March within a week’s notice due to COVID-19, to starting the first term of my junior year, I’ve definitely experienced a lot of change. When I went home in March, it was to a completely new state-my family moved from Chino, CA to New Jersey in January (great timing, huh?). While I missed seeing my friends from home, it was fun to have the chance to explore a completely new place. The pandemic obviously limited what I could see and do, but I got to experience walks through nature and along rivers normally foreign to a SoCal native and had some time to focus on bioinformatics research for the lab I work with on campus.

A mini vacation

In September, my parents and I took a road trip to see a bit more of the East Coast, stopping in Boston and Newport, RI. Boston’s cobblestone streets and brick brownstones hold a very quaint charm, and I think it’s a place I could eventually see myself living one day. Newport was pretty much the New England sailing town of my dreams. I love (like, LOVE) being on boats, and it’s been a long-time goal of mine to learn to sail! In Newport I got to board a real sail-powered boat for the first time, in the same waters where one of the world’s most famous sailing regattas (the America’s Cup) takes place.

 Newport After six months of being cooped up inside, our small trip was a welcome way for me to say goodbye to the East Coast before I would be moving back to California for term.

Coast to coast

I’m now living with a couple of fellow Techers at my fourth residence of the year in Redondo Beach, CA. Since settling into our place we’ve spent most of our time in the kitchen trying out new recipes for meals and desserts. Our house menu might include: garlic naan made from scratch (it’s even better than at some restaurants I’ve been to), kimchi tofu dumplings, homemade Olive Garden copy-cat breadsticks, sourdough pizza, or lace cookies! Our sourdough starter (Michael Bublé) and our basil plant (taking name suggestions) are always ready to lend a hand. Check out my roommate’s baking insta (@yeastofourworries) if you want to see our bakes!  Beach My roommates and I at the beach, which is only a 10-minute drive from home! While I never would have imagined that this is what my 2020 would look like, I’m glad that it’s involved some adventure. Term is now quickly picking up pace, and I’m looking forward to these next few months!