38 Days Until Graduation

38 Days Until Graduation

I got a call from the bookstore today informing me that my diploma frame had arrived. Here it is:

Now I just need the diploma to go in it. :P

It’s 38 days until graduation today, and now that it’s May I’m really starting to feel like I don’t have much time left at Caltech. It’s weird to think about not being here next year. Caltech has come to feel like home, and it’ll be odd not having the same people around anymore. Thankfully, a good number of my friends are moving to NYC with me! :)

I just got all the paperwork for grad school next year. All sorts of forms to fill out and such. It really makes it hit home that I’m going to be all the way across the country in a few short months. It’s a little bit scary but also pretty exciting!

I also had to put in my requests for my rotation labs. If you don’t know, in biology PhD programs it’s pretty common for new students to be able to try out a few different labs before they decide where they want to do their PhD work. These “trial labs” are called rotations. So, choosing a rotation lab isn’t the end all be all of your PhD, but you do have to take some care to pick one that you’re actually interested in. My top choice for right now is a lab that does immunology work. I’ll be waiting impatiently for the next few weeks to find out where I’m going to spend the first five weeks of my PhD!