2010 is here!!...and so is my new blog

2010 is here!!...and so is my new blog

Happy New Year everybody!! I had a wonderful holiday break—and am now back at Caltech for winter term. Things already seem much different from fall term—I have so much more free time and I am less stressed about coursework (woohoo for underloading!). I cannot tell you all how EXCITED i am about 2009 coming to a close and 2010 being here. I have been waiting for this year since uhhh, forever–I am graduating in a few months! Looking back, 2009 was a good year though there were definitely some very difficult trials; but I learned so much last year and was given numerous opportunities and experiences.

I wanted to take this post to list a few things I’m looking forward to in 2010 (and this is just what I can think up until graduating in June)….

  • Continuing my work at JPL on my thesis: Now that I am done with first term and taking only 2 other classes, I can really focus and work at JPL during the week and make progress on the Venus Lander
  • Caltech Dance Show: If you know me well, you know that I am a very active dancer on campus, and have participated in the dance show since my freshman year. I love training and preparing for the show…and this year will be my last time. I will be givin’ it my all!
  • Enjoying the last remaining months at Tech: with many interhouse parties, house events, etc..there will never a dull moment!
  • DITCH DAY!!: I can’t believe I will be on the other side and actually planning my stack for underclassmen–I’m so psyched since I have been fantasizing about my stack for years. Though lately, I’ve been really stressed about it since Andrew and I have a ton to do, and the clock is ticking…

  • Traveling: I plan on traveling a bit after graduation, and taking small trips with my friends during the next two terms. I think we seniors definitely deserve it!
  • GRADUATION: need I say more?!?

:D 2010 is going to be awesome!…and of course I will be continuing to blog throughout my final months here! So that being said…out with the old, and in with the new, right? Follow my NEW BLOG: Sweet Life of a Second Term Senior. See you at my new blog!!