2009 at Caltech

2009 at Caltech

Welcome to 2010! Let me be yet another person to wish you a Happy New Year, and I hope that this one is happy and healthy for you. This one is especially a big one because I’ve been waiting for this number for many years. Maybe you have been, too! I know I was looking forward to 2006, when I graduated high school (I may be dating myself now…). My advice for these last 5-6 months of high school: enjoy your time at home, with your friends, and in your hometown. I’ll be taking my own advice, except I’ll be making the most out of my last 6 months in SoCal/Pasadena! There’s so much to do, and I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface.OK enough of me giving advice and looking ahead, this post is about “Looking Back,” so let’s see what else I did this year! Rose Bowl: Another event giving me the opportunity to spend time with my House was our trip to the Rose Bowl. You know, where they play that kind of important football game every January 1st? Yup, we get it all to ourselves for an afternoon to play football, chill, and explore the historic stadium!

Huntington Gardens: Walking 20 minutes from Caltech, you can be transported to a beautiful world of flowers and plants from around the globe! Huntington Gardens, only $10 for students, is totally worth the money. They have a Japanese Garden, Chinese Garden, a Desert Garden, among others. They also have a tea room so you can enjoy a delicious, light meal inside (and take a break from the sun)!

DITCH DAY: One of those amazing Caltech traditions is Ditch Day. This “holiday” is when the seniors wake up the underclassmen at 8 AM, leave campus, but leave behind a series of clues for everyone to follow. It’s basically like a big scavenger hunt, with different themes as different “stacks”! Local news stations even come by to see what’s going on. Here’s a bit from my stack: Spy Games!

Senior Year: Well, so far, it’s been great! Fortunately, you’ve been following me for this first term (if you haven’t, read up on my previous posts!), so I don’t need to recap. But here are some of my favorite pictures that you haven’t seen yet!